
StartRealtimeSync.exelocatedinFreeFileSync'sinstallationdirectoryandenterallfoldersyouwanttomonitor.Insteadofdoingthismanuallyyoucanimport ...,2021年8月14日—ffs_realfileonDesktop.Youmustreplace“John”withyourusernameandactuallocationofRealTimeSync.exeand*.ffs_realfilesonyourPC!,2010年2月3日—FreeFileSync是一个免费的、开源的文件夹比较和同步软件。支持Windows、Linux、MacOSX,它也适用于64位操作系统...


Start RealtimeSync.exe located in FreeFileSync's installation directory and enter all folders you want to monitor. Instead of doing this manually you can import ...

FreeFileSync – How To Setup Real

2021年8月14日 — ffs_real file on Desktop. You must replace “John” with your username and actual location of RealTimeSync.exe and *.ffs_real files on your PC!


2010年2月3日 — FreeFileSync 是一个免费的、开源的文件夹比较和同步软件。支持Windows、Linux、Mac OS X,它也适用于64位操作系统。 程序安装默认可选择一个标准的安装 ...

How to Run RealtimeSync as a Windows Service

The RealtimeSync component allows you to monitor one of more folders and automatically synchronize files if a folder changes. Unfortunately RealtimeSync is not ...


The function of RealTimeSync is to execute a command line each time it detects changes in one of the monitored directories, or when a directory becomes ...

RealTimeSync 实时同步

启动位于FreeFileSync 安装目录中的RealTimeSync.exe 并输入您要监控的文件夹。 您可以导入ffs_batch,而不是手动执行此操作通过菜单文件→ 文件→ 打开或只需通过拖放即可 ...


2023年10月19日 — RealTimeSync 使用方法. 一、功能定期扫描某个文件夹并执行某个命令二、例子继续访问. FreeFileSync.exe中RealtimeSync.exe的应用. 直接进入正题,这是 ...


RealTimeSync: Run as Service (Windows). RealTimeSync is designed to run as a background process which does not need further attention.

Using FreeFileSync and RealTimeSync with Windows

2021年3月4日 — start realtimesync C:-Program Files-FreeFileSync-RealTimeSync.exe [PATH TO YOUR FFS.ffs_batch]. r/unRAID - Using FreeFileSync and ...

FreeFileSync 13.7 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.7 檔案同步免費軟體
